Daily Dose of Cute

I don't know exactly what the square footage of our house is, but it's around 1,200 sq ft. Not a huge house, but plenty of room for everyone to spread out. Still, this is why I say it wouldn't matter to the furry ones if we lived in a studio apartment:

Video Description: Sitting at my desk, I film Sophie the Cat sitting on the red tub chair beside me. Then I pan right, to find Matilda the Fuzzy Sealpoint Cat stretched out on my desk. Then I pan right and down, to find Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sitting beside me; she turns and curls up on her bed. Then I pan right, to find Dudley the Greyhound chilling in his open-door crate. Then I complete the rotation, coming back to Sophs.

Olivia the White Farm Cat was indisposed. By which I mean eating in the kitchen, obvs.

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat sitting on a red chair, looking at me
"Whatcha doing? Can we help? Can we have a treat?
We haven't had a treat in like 5 minutes."

* * *

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