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Recommended Reading:
Prison Culture: [Content Note: Violence; racism; misogyny] "We Cannot Live Without Our Lives:" Musings on Marissa, Audre, and Protest
Pam: [CN: Violence; racism; disablism] On a Disturbingly Regular Basis...
Fat Discrimination: [CN: Fat hatred; harassment] Tell Me Again How It's "For My Own Good"
Danielle: [CN: Misogynoir; slut-shaming] The Good Black Girl Complex
Pam: [CN: Disablism] "But You Don't Look Sick"
Anna: [CN: Gender policing] FYI on the Facebook Pronouns
Flavia: [CN: Transphobia; eliminationism] Anti-Trans Feminism by a Prominent Feminist
Veronica: #365FeministSelfie—Day 50 & a Mini-Challenge!
Andy: American Idol's First Openly Gay Contestant MK Nobilette Stuns with Opening Performance
Leave your links and recommendations in comments...
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