You know how every once in awhile, a politician tries to live for a month on food stamps? (Ex. Cory Booker; Greg Stanton.) I want them to start trying to access abortion in their home states.
I want every legislator in the US congress and every legislator in each state house to go through the process of trying to secure an abortion as a poor person and see what they think then about undue burdens.
I want them to have to do the research to find out what the guidelines for abortion are in their home states. (Is there a waiting period? Do they have to submit to an ultrasound?) I want them to start out from a position of living paycheck-to-paycheck at an hourly job with no benefits. I want them to find out how easy it is to take the required time off work from a local employer, without losing their jobs. I want them to figure out how long it would take to save up the money for the abortion. I want them to locate the nearest clinic. I want them to walk by shouting protestors.
I want the people making decisions about abortion to know what getting an abortion is really like.
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