Republican National Committee Reince Priebus says that Republicans are going to see massive gains in the 2014 election:
"I think we're in for a tsunami election," Preibus said. "Especially at the Senate level."Well, I was actually kind of worried about the 2014 midterms, but Reince Priebus is wrong about every single thing ever, wrong like he's an apprentice at the Bill Kristol Institute for Chronic Wrongery, so now I'm feeling much more hopeful!
"I think among youth and women you're going to see the greatest growth in 2014," Priebus said. "I think it's going to be an issue that's going to cause an increase especially among women under 35." Priebus said he expected big gains among young people as well.Ha ha perfect.
"I mean Obamacare was made to screw young people over," Priebus said.
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