
[Content Note: Misogyny.]

As you may have noticed, I have, over many years of being an outspoken feminist, developed a repertoire of snappy responses to tiresome misogynist accusations and rhetoricals.

You're too easily offended. I'm not offended; I'm contemptuous.

You're too angry. I'm not angry; I'm dissatisfied.

You're too sensitive. Or maybe it's just that you're not sensitive enough.

What do you expect? More.


Earlier today, I was speaking with a friend about the old "Is there anything you like?" chestnut.

As I bet you won't be surprised to hear, I've been asked that question many times in my life! At the job which was the most horrible job of all the jobs, where I worked for a misogynist, homophobic, racist, transphobic, Christian Supremacist, fat-hating Bush fanatic during the '04 election, he asked me once if I liked anything. To which I replied, "I am inordinately fond of annoying you."

Which has since been deployed many times, always to my profound amusement.

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Got any snappy comebacks to common silencing memes you'd like to share? Have at it in comments!

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