True Detective Finale

[Content Note: Descriptions of violence. Major spoiler warnings.]

image of Rust (Matthew McConaughey) and Marty (Woody Harrelson) sitting across a table from one another, drinking beer, deep in discussion

Can we talk about the True Detective finale last night? Because OMG.

I won't write up a whole thing, because I just want to head right to comments for discussion, but a couple of quick observations:

1. In one of my favorite pieces of characterization, in terms of defining these two characters right down to the end, I loved how Rust was feeling all kinds of things about having seen Errol Childress (aka Murder Boy) in 1995 and irrationally holding himself accountable for not magically discerning that he was a monster, while Marty was feeling no kinds of things about having killed Reggie Ledoux years earlier, effectively halting the formal investigation that might have led to Childress and saving all the lives he took in the interim. Throughout the series, we saw Rust sink into darkness over things he couldn't control, and Marty refuse to hold himself to account for losing control. That was a perfect juxtaposition at the end of this series.

2. I am not a huge fan of watching violence, but Rust headbutting Murder Boy while impaled on his knife was super badass.

3. They were never friends, for all those years. They only finally became friends at the very end. Love.

4. "Once there was only dark. And if you ask me, the light's winning."

All right all right all right.


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