
[Content Note: War on agency.]

"Justice Kennedy Thinks Hobby Lobby Is an Abortion Case—That's Bad News for Birth Control." It's bad news for people who use birth control, and a lot of other people, too.
Clement pounced on the opening Kennedy gave him the second he took the podium for his rebuttal argument. The government's position, he claimed, goes straight to abortion and "that cannot be what Congress meant when it passed RFRA." Kagan's face grew even more worried.

As I left the Supreme Court building, I ran into one of the nation's leading advocates for reproductive justice. We smiled at each other, and then I said "Kennedy thinks this is an abortion case. The government is going to lose."

"That's right," she said, shaking her head. "That's right."
I used to get so stressed waiting for certain SCOTUS decisions; now I just sit back and wait to write about the inevitable garbage rulings.

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