
Something something headline about Republicans who think Obamacare is a failure. Something something headline about Republicans who think Obamacare is a disaster. Something something headline about Republicans who think Obamacare is socialist or Communist or fascist. Something something headline about Republicans who think Obamacare needs to be repealed immediately before it DESTROYS THE ENTIRE NATION. Something something headline about Republicans who think Obamacare is unpopular. Something something headline about Republicans who say no one likes Obamacare and no one ever will.

You know who likes Obamacare? People who now have insurance, some of them for the first time in their lives.

I'm not saying the Affordable Care Act is perfect. It isn't. I'm not saying that the Obama administration rolled it out effectively. They didn't. And I'm really, really not saying that I think running healthcare through a for-profit insurance industry is a good system. It ain't.

I'm just saying that maybe the Republicans can STFU unless and until they've got a better plan.

Because not only are they shitting all over the President; they're ignoring and silencing all the people who are grateful to have healthcare. They're behaving, as usual, like those people don't matter.

That's not just partisan politicking. That's cruel indifference in the interest of political expedience.

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