With Senator Elizabeth Warren saying definitively that she is not running in 2016, and with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still officially undecided, let's imagine that neither of them runs for the 2016 presidential election. Who would you like to see as the Democratic presidential nominee?
Please note the question doesn't presume you're a Democratic voter. (Or even a USian.) I wouldn't vote for a Republican candidate if you paid me all of Mitt Romney's money, but I still have some investment in who the nominee is, etc.
Your answer is not required to be someone who is likely to be able to get the nomination, e.g. Joe Biden, or people who have been named as potential contenders, e.g. Martin O'Malley or Deval Patrick. You are absolutely welcome to name a fantasy candidate, i.e. someone who is a terrific politician but unlikely to be a contender based on the usual stupid factors.
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