Sometimes, the dogs are completely pitiful about being outside in a little drizzle, but sometimes they love to run around in a storm. Last night, it was pissing down rain, and they were outside forever, then came back in totally drenched. And, of course, smelling like wet dog.
Wet dog is renowned for being a terrible smell, but I weirdly kind of like it.
I seem to like a lot of earthy smells that have reputations for being awful. Like cow manure, which I find to be a pleasant smell, too.
Anyway! I know I'm not alone on this. A lot of people like scents with bad reps. Gasoline seems to be a common smell that some people find awful and others find pleasant. And I know a few people who like the smell of skunk, which most people find to be terrible.
I don't hate the smell of skunk, although I don't really like it, either. It's just such an aggressive smell, and it just makes me laugh every time I think of such a big smell coming out of such a little creature!
So: Are there any smells that are reputed to be terrible that you enjoy?
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