Discussion Thread: Phone Miscommunications & Marginalizations

I feel like there are a lot of issues of privilege around phone communication that don't get explored very often, so here's a thread in which we can talk about our experiences.

Because I have extra-sibilant (hissy) S'es, the most frequent phone miscommunication I have is that people think I'm saying my name is "Martha." It happens so frequently, I should probably just change my name to Martha at this point.

Do you have any repeat phone miscommunications, based on your name or your street name or something else being commonly misheard?

Have you ever had a hilarious and/or embarrassing phone miscommunication when, for instance, you thought you were speaking to someone other than to whom you were actually speaking?

Have you ever had an upsetting experience of being misgendered, or having someone presume something about your race based on your voice or name, or had someone be rude because you speak with an accent?

If you use a nontraditional phone device, have you encountered any kinds of problems of access?


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