Good grief:
A Texas political action committee called Boats 'N Hoes PAC will be just a memory by Thursday, according to the Republican political consultant who is the boss of the man who started it.Welp, that pretty much sums it up.
Houston consultant Allen Blakemore confirmed Wednesday evening that his firm's bookkeeper, Shaun Nowacki, started the PAC, which is a reference to a song from the 2008 film Step Brothers. The committee will be dissolved on Thursday, Blakemore said.
..."Texas Republicans say they want to reach out to women, to be more inclusive, but actions like this reinforce a pattern of disrespect," Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Lisa Paul said in a statement. "There's no defending the use of a derogatory and offensive term like 'hoes'. How can women possibly take the GOP rebranding effort seriously? Their consistent contempt towards women is simply unforgivable."
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