A Few More Words on She-Hulk and Comics

by Shakesville Moderator Hallelujah_Hippo

[Content Note: Misogyny; sexual objectification.]

This morning, one of my favorite authors and funny twitter personalities, Gail Simone, said a few things that really resonated with me, not just about She-Hulk, but about the wider world of comics and fandom.

I really appreciate how Simone makes the connections between the marginalization of women and their allies and the marginalization of female characters; about how a lot of people in positions of power want to be perceived as progressive (and get the resulting cookies) without actually being progressive. I like how she says points out that this isn't just a "women's problem"—this is a problem for everyone who expects more, and it's that expecting more which is pushing things forward whether the old guard wants it or not.

In short, even though Simone is talking specifically about comic books and She-Hulk, she is also talking about in the wider context of progress and expecting more and a lot of the smaller nuances that exist within these conversations.

Head below the fold for the full Storify...

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