[Content Note: Death penalty; torture.]
"It's an unfortunate thing, but any time you're doing something with a body, things can go wrong."—Republican Senator Tom Coburn, who represents the state of Oklahoma, where a botched execution resulted in Clayton Lockett being slowly tortured to death for 43 minutes.
Coburn is also a physician. I guess he missed the "first do no harm" day of class.
Coburn continues to support the death penalty, because: "I still think it has a deterrent capability." Of course he does. Even though a survey found that "83% of the country's top criminologists do not believe the death penalty acts as a deterrent to homicide" and "87% of the expert criminologists believe that abolition of the death penalty would not have any significant effect on murder rates."
Well, who are THEY to argue with a feeling Senator Coburn has in his gut?
Any time you're doing something with a body, things can go wrong. Honestly, are Republicans even capable of talking about human beings in a way that sounds like they're talking about human beings? Fuck.
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