Shaker Gourmet

One of the most frequent requests I get as a general topic is for recipe-sharing threads. So here's a revival of the Shaker Gourmet series, which Misty used to run as time permitted, which I'll run periodically. Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.

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Here's my favorite potato kugel recipe, which is so simple and easy and soooo delicious!


Olive oil
10 potatoes, peeled and grated
2 white onions, peeled and grated
5 eggs
Salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease 9x13 casserole dish with olive oil.

I start by grating the potatoes and onions in a food processor, then mixing them together in a large bowl. Then I beat the eggs and add them to the mixture. I add some olive oil to moisten the whole thing, then toss in salt and pepper to taste. Mix it up! Then I transfer it all to the casserole dish, and stick it in the oven for about an hour and a half, until the top is golden brown.

The best thing about this recipe is that you can dress it up however you like by adding ingredients. One of my favorite variations is to add a generous portion of parsley and some Gruyere cheese. Yum!

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