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Fuck you, NBC. That man whose cropped torso you're using as a cautionary tale; the man whom you've turned into a headless fatty, as disembodied as possible while still retaining vague traces of humanity even as that humanity is reduced to its FATTY FAT FATNESS; he is a human being.
And, if he's like most of the halved headless fatties whose cropped bodies accompany alarmist news stories about the obesity crisis, he didn't give his consent for his body to be used for this purpose.
Fat hatred kills. Using this picture is not a neutral decision. Demonizing fat bodies, talking about us like we're a plague, is not a neutral decision. Dehumanizing imagery that upholds and justifies eliminationist campaigns against us is not a neutral decision.
You cannot claim to give a fuck about fat people's health when you clearly don't give a fuck about fat people.
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