Shaker Gourmet

One of the most frequent requests I get as a general topic is for recipe-sharing threads. So here's a revival of the Shaker Gourmet series, which Misty used to run as time permitted, which I'll run periodically. Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.

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During the summer, we eat salads like they're going out of style, because neither of us has much of a palate for hot food in warm temperatures. One of my favorite summer salads to make is:

Sliced cherry tomatoes (I get red, yellow, and purple, if possible)
Sweet corn
Crumbled goat cheese
White balsamic vinegar
Lemon juice
Salt & pepper

Sometimes I'll throw in some diced cucumber or avocado, depending on what I've got in the house. And often I'll top it with some steamed salmon, which my steamer makes super easy.

So easy, and sooooo delicious!

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