Under the subject "Hillary Sexism Watch," we detailed more than 100 incidents of misogyny directed at Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primary. Many of them intersected with violent imagery and/or violent rhetoric.
Hillary Clinton has not even announced whether she is running again in 2016, and it has already begun once more:
Asked how Clinton would fare in Arkansas if she pursued the presidency in 2016, 2nd Congressional District chairman Johnny Rhoda told U.S. News, "She'd probably get shot at the state line."David Catanese, the senior political writer for U.S. News & World Report, reported this with a lede describing Rhoda's words as "colorful language."
This is not "colorful language." It's violent, threatening, eliminationist language.
I don't care how anyone feels personally or politically about Hillary Clinton. That a male politician can use this sort of language to speak about a prominent female politician, and have it be reported as just another day in politics ha ha, should concern anyone who has even the most modest investment in a future in which women can and do run for public office.
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