[Content Note: Homophobia; misogyny; racism; classism; Christian Supremacy; antisemitism; violence.]
Here are a few headlines I've seen this morning, just in the course of my usual news rounds:
Republican Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert Uses House Hearing to Debate Whether Non-Christians 'Go to Hell'.
Republican Indiana State House Candidate John Johnston: "No One Has the Guts" to Let Poor People "Wither and Die".
Republican Tea Party Oklahoma State House Candidate Scott Esk Supports Stoning Gay People to Death.
Republican Tea Party Virginia House Candidate David Brat: Embrace Christian Capitalism, or Hitler Will Come Back.
David Brat's Campaign Manager Scrubs Facebook Page After Election; Compared George Zimmerman's Shooting of Unarmed Black Teenager Trayvon Martin to Abortion.
In San Francisco, Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry Compares Homosexuality to Alcoholism.
Republican Iowa Senate Candidate Joni Ernst 'Appalled' by Husband's Inappropriate Facebook Posts.
(Not only did Gail Ernst call Hillary Clinton a hag; he posted "jokes" on his Facebook page such as: "What do you do if you see your ex running around in your front yard screaming and bloody? Stay calm. Reload. And try again." Neat guy. And a central part of Ernst's campaign, not just her spouse.)
Listen, I am no great fan of Democrats, but at least their members don't generally sound indistinguishable from a hate group. Both sides are not just as bad. Members of the Republican Party routinely engage in violent, eliminationist rhetoric about people from marginalized populations. This is one morning of headlines.
The Republican Party is full of vile purveyors of absolute filth. And every time I point this out, Republicans respond by calling me fat. Because that's how much they care about their party being eliminationist scum.
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