Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sitting on the couch with silly ears

Three years ago today—I cannot believe it has been that long!—Iain and I walked into the local humane society and fell in love with a little black-and-tan mutt who didn't even have a name. We brought her home and gave her the name Zelda, which is either a variation on the German name Griselda, meaning "dark battle," a forever reminder of where we found her, or a Yiddish name meaning "happiness," a forever reminder of what we've promised her.

Plus: She's just such a Zelda. A Zelly! A Zelly Belly! The zelliest of all the bellies!

I don't need to tell you what a happy and joyful little creature she is, because you've seen the pictures. (Or read the descriptions.) She is a major snuggle-head, a clown, and a loyal companion.

And she reminds me, every day, especially the difficult ones, that "It's a day!"


I am forever grateful we happened to go to the shelter that day, and found this amazing little mutt just waiting for us to make her part of our family.

image of me with Zelly
Me and my BFF Zelly.

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