Video Description: An older Golden Retriever lies on the wood floor of a home, sleeping. A wee Golden Retriever puppy lies beside hir, with hir head on the older dog's belly. The older dog begins to move and whine in hir sleep, like zie's having a bad dream. The puppy wakes up and looks around, then sits and observes the older dog. The puppy sniffs hir face, then looks at hir guardian behind the camera, sitting and waiting for instruction. When none is offered, the puppy turns and curls up right in the hollow of the older dog's neck, lying hir wee head on hir neck.
Good Morning! Or Whatever!
Here is a sweet video of a sweet puppy doing a sweet thing, to start your day (or end it, or be right in the middle of it):
Video Description: An older Golden Retriever lies on the wood floor of a home, sleeping. A wee Golden Retriever puppy lies beside hir, with hir head on the older dog's belly. The older dog begins to move and whine in hir sleep, like zie's having a bad dream. The puppy wakes up and looks around, then sits and observes the older dog. The puppy sniffs hir face, then looks at hir guardian behind the camera, sitting and waiting for instruction. When none is offered, the puppy turns and curls up right in the hollow of the older dog's neck, lying hir wee head on hir neck.
Video Description: An older Golden Retriever lies on the wood floor of a home, sleeping. A wee Golden Retriever puppy lies beside hir, with hir head on the older dog's belly. The older dog begins to move and whine in hir sleep, like zie's having a bad dream. The puppy wakes up and looks around, then sits and observes the older dog. The puppy sniffs hir face, then looks at hir guardian behind the camera, sitting and waiting for instruction. When none is offered, the puppy turns and curls up right in the hollow of the older dog's neck, lying hir wee head on hir neck.
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