Still no power.
Still no ETA on when we might have power back. Right now, they're just telling us a few days at the longest. Obviously I'm hoping it will be faster than that.
I was thinking of going to a cafe to work today, but, apart from publicly broadcasting that my house is empty, at the address which has been published frequently by people who want to harm me, the house is turning into a hotbox without AC, even though it's thankfully pretty cool. So I'm reluctant to close everything up to go out and leave the animals sweltering.
Basically, I'm still offline for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
In other news, Iain looks very adorable carrying a candle up the stairs at bedtime. Perhaps I will purchase him some longjohns and we will cosplay Little House on the Prairie tonight. I always did have a crush on Almonzo.
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