[Content Note: War on agency; limited abortion access.]
"Are DIY abortions becoming the procedure of choice in the Gulf? It would appear so, and that will only grow if the states' TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws are allowed to go into effect causing more clinics to shut down. The less clinics, the bigger the overflow and the longer the wait as providers are unable to keep up with patients, leaving many seeking out other remedies even if they would prefer to do it in a clinic setting, knowing that what they really want is simply to not be pregnant as soon as possible."—Robin Marty, in "Gulf Residents Are Already Turning to DIY Abortions."
The whole point, as Robin notes, is to try to cause delays that will result in pregnant people just giving up and staying pregnant. Which of course works in some cases, insomuch as forcing a person into unwanted parenthood is something that "works."
But most people who desperately don't want to be pregnant will figure out a way to not be pregnant. This is a lesson that anti-choicers refuse to learn. And people will die because of their willful ignorance, and the government's eminent willingness to indulge it.
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