"There is no way for me to understand the world I live in unless I take the time to view it through someone else’s lens."
Jessica Luther, one of my favorite people on the planet, was just profiled by David J. Leonard at The Feminist Wire as part of their "Feminists We Love" series and IT IS SO GOOD. Here she is being typically smart and profoundly decent on a whole variety of fascinating topics. Yayayayay!
And, listen, I already knew that Jess is awesome, but major kudos to David Leonard for asking just great and varied questions to give her the opportunity to speak to so many different aspects of her interests and work and life. GOOD JOB, EVERYONE!!!
And, listen, I already knew that Jess is awesome, but major kudos to David Leonard for asking just great and varied questions to give her the opportunity to speak to so many different aspects of her interests and work and life. GOOD JOB, EVERYONE!!!
Great Broads
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