Dudley sits at the other end of the sofa from me; my leg is outstretched, so I can rub his shoulder with my foot. In a low voice, I say, "Hubbababababa! Hubbababababa!" Dudley grins with his tongue lolling out. I stop and move my foot away. Dudley looks away, then closes his mouth, giving me the side-eye. I reach my foot back out and start rubbing him while making the same silly noise. He grins again. I stop; he licks his lips and looks at me, then closes his mouth. From the right side of the screen, Sophie's head pops into view.After both of us had had enough of this, I swung around in the other direction and wrapped my arms around his neck. He flopped against me, resting his head on my shoulder, and I stroked his long giraffe neck until we both dozed off.
I go back to rubbing and making the silly noise. Dudley grins and leans into my foot. I stop, and he turns his head away from me. Sophie mews and walks across me right in front of the camera. As she passes, Dudley is revealed once again, hanging his head. I go back to rubbing him. He lifts his head and grins. "Dudley!" I say, and his ears perk up as he looks at me. "Who's got a cute face?" Sophie walks past again in the other direction. "Who does?" I ask. "You?" He looks at me. I go back to rubbing him. "Hubbababababa! Hubbababababa!" He leans hard against my foot.
I stop. He looks away. I start again, jostling him, and he looks back at me, grinning.
Daily Dose of Cute
Dudley, the dog who was once terrified of me getting anywhere close to him, is now a major cuddle-head, and one of his favorite things is to hop up beside me on the sofa so I can rub him vigorously with my foot while making any one of a number of goofy sounds. He pants and grins happily while I'm doing it, but if I stop, he is hilariously passive-aggressive, closing his mouth and/or turning his face away.
The Dud Abides
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