[Content Note: Misogyny.]
"I think a lot of people want to be able to walk into a grocery store—particularly, a lot of the women—want to go and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, go down, buy a six-pack or two six-packs, buy dinner, and go home rather than what I just described as at least three stops in Pennsylvania."—Republican Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, explaining why women support his proposed liquor law reform. Currently, only state-licensed liquor stores and some grocery stores are able to sell liquor in the state.
Listen, women are busy! We need fewer stops so we can get home quicker to cook dinner for the menz!
Obviously, I love everything about this, but I continue to enjoy in particular how Republican men talk about women. "A lot of the women." Can you please give me a better idea of how many "a lot" is, Governor Corbett? How many binders full of women would you estimate "a lot" to be?
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