[Content Note: Racism; police militarization.]
"We need to demilitarize this situation—this kind of response by the police has become the problem instead of the solution. I obviously respect law enforcement's work to provide public safety, but my constituents are allowed to have peaceful protests, and the police need to respect that right and protect that right."—Democratic Senator from Missouri Claire McCaskill, after meeting with community leaders in Ferguson this morning.
Yes. The police should be in the business protecting the right to assemble, not in the business of denying it.
Similarly, Steve Moore III, the first man who speaks in this powerful video documenting what's happening in Ferguson, says, referencing a line of police in riot gear: "That's intimidation over there, to me. And that's what this is about—intimidation. Why can't we fix it and make a dialogue instead of that happening? Why don't they come and walk with us?!"
Why don't they indeed.
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