Shaker Garden Thread: August Edition

petunias in Dumfries photo shakesvillegardenwev500x375_zpsa396bb4a.jpg

Hey Shakers! It's been a while since we had a garden thread. My own garden's been a bit neglected since I have been out of the country for a bit; the less said about the current invasion of leaf-footed bugs, the better. So I thought I'd share some flower pictures from my travels, like the gorgeous petunias, above, that I spotted in Dumfries, Scotland.

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And these are from Falmouth in Cornwall, on a lovely day of perfect beach weather! (Or, castle-visiting weather, if you're like me.)

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And these are roses from Hampton Court Palace, in Greater London - truly a flower-lover's paradise!

How about you? Whether it's a pot in a window, a rooftop garden, or a sprawling country garden bed, feel free to share your own garden pictures and stories here. (As ever, please be respectful that other people's gardening goals and needs may differ from your own.) How does your garden grow?

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