So now the media is publishing, care of an anonymous source, the information that Michael Brown had "marijuana in his system" at the time he was killed. Here is the Washington Post's headline:

The story reads: "[A]nother person familiar with the county's investigation told The Washington Post that Brown had between six and eight gunshot wounds and was shot from the front. In addition, Brown had marijuana in his system when he was shot and killed by a police officer on Aug. 9 in Ferguson, according to this person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation."
An ongoing investigation which has revealed to us no police report about the shooting, but has made the public aware that Brown allegedly robbed a store, liked rap music, and smoked weed.
None of these things are relevant to the shooting.
Except insomuch as they are being publicly shared in order to exonerate the officer who pulled the trigger.
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