Video Description: It's evening, and I'm sitting in the living room on the couch. Matilda the Cat's head is right in front of me. She purrs and chirps at me. I pan past her fluffy tail to find Olivia the Cat sitting on the arm of the loveseat, beneath a lamp, grooming herself. I pan left to find Dudley the Dog lying stretched out on the loveseat and onto the ottoman, snoring away. I pan further left to find Zelda the Dog lying on the floor on her side. I pan left again to find Sophie the Cat lying on a pillow right beside me. She stretches. I pan right back across the room. Olivia is now napping. Matilda is lying on the arm of the couch beside me. She turns her head to me and chirps, then rubs her head against me, purring. She looks at the camera. Fin.
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