No one is more enthusiastic about Rick Santorum running for president than Rick Santorum.
Rick Santorum, former Republican senator and presidential contender, last seen making terrible movies to stop the devil's scourge, is working on putting together another presidential bid for 2016:
Santorum said in a new interview that he's building a network of supporters and donors in case he wants to make a second run for the White House.Ha ha terrific.
"I'm doing everything right now as if I'm running," he told RealClearPolitics. "So we're moving forward and trying to line up supporters — both grassroots and donors. We're talking to folks who might be interested after the [midterm] election to come and help the team, so we're starting to put the pieces together, but we're not going to make the final decision until 2015."
...Asked about potentially facing Romney again in 2016, Santorum simply said, "The more the merrier."
I can't wait for more of this magic during the next round of debates, even if Reince Priebus is trying to KILL THE MAGIC, like some kind of magic-killing monster.
"Hahaha you are just delightful!" "Hahaha and you are A TREAT!"
Giant flags for everyone!
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