Last night, I got my latest, which is a comic-style POW!, care of Jake Crozier, who also did my scarab and my abstract leg piece. He apprenticed under Lui, who did my other tattoos, and now they have their own shop together. (The contact info for which I'd be happy to pass on to anyone who wants it. Just email me!)
Possibly because I've known Jake for awhile, he virtually read my mind about what I wanted. I had sent him an example POW! off of which to base his drawing, and he literally made every single change I would have made to it without my even asking, and I arrived to see a drawing that was exactly what I wanted. A big part of it is that he just has a damn good eye.
I don't even know what face I'm making in that picture lol! I was so sleepy when I took that this morning to send to Jess. Enjoy my nincompoopery!
This tattoo was the second part of my two-part plan to encourage myself to continue to wear sleeveless tops. Part one was, of course, the tattoo on my other shoulder.
My fat arms are still the part of my body with which I struggle the most. So, naturally, I figured the solution was to DECORATE THEM! And you know what? It worked.
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