This is just a terrific video of a man rolling around on the floor with a gaggle of pug puppies. Enjoy!

Video Description: Five pug puppies sit on a bed on the floor, beside a mirror. A sixth investigates on the other side of the small room. A fat older white man in a blue and white striped shirt and black trousers comes into the room, stepping over a barrier in the door, and greets the puppies in Russian with a warm voice. One puppy runs toward him excitedly, and the rest quickly follow as he lets himself collapse to the floor. The puppies run and jump all over him, kissing his face as he talks to them. He hugs them all his arms and laughs as they squirm around him. They love him SO MUCH! He pets them and laughs.

According to comments at YouTube, he is saying: "Good morning, pugs, good morning! Hello, hello!"

Awwww. ♥

[H/T to my pal Ellen.]

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