[Content Note: Misogyny; harassment.]
"There is widespread acknowledgement of the rampant sexism in the [tech and venture capital industries], but even wider-scale abdication of responsibility for it. The structure and cadence of the culture remains accepting of sexist attitudes. When these attitudes materialize into sexual harassment and assault, the target is left unprotected, and eventually ostracized. She becomes responsible both for defending herself against the advances of the offending party and against the mob that rises to protect their aligned interests. She is given the choice to suffer the indignities of being treated as a sexual object amongst peers and colleagues, or to be persecuted for objecting to it. If she fiercely asserts her rights to be there, her boundaries in doing so, her very fierceness is critiqued and used as a crowbar, evidence that she's—wait for it—not tough enough to handle the culture."—Bardot Smith, in "Silicon Valley's Cult of Male Ego."
Which I, coincidentally, just had happened to read after the interview with Barbara Annis.
I'm sure you can all imagine and appreciate the abundant cascade of mirthless laughter that accompanied the delightful juxtaposition.
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