by Shaker Socchan
Hello, Shakers! I had such a blast in the last Creative Endeavors thread (and I hope you all did, too) that I asked Liss if we could make this a recurring thing, and she said yes! I'm working on a list of topics to discuss (suggestions welcome), and hopefully we can have a discussion every couple of weeks, if not more often.
With that out of the way, what sort of creative things have you been working on since the last thread? Have you started or finished any projects? Is there anything you're really enjoying working on, looking forward to starting, or are really proud of having finished? Pictures of finished items and samples of art and/or writing (or whatever else you're working on—I wouldn't be surprised if we've got game developers or animators around here, for example, and I know we have at least one songwriter) are all very welcome.
For discussion: Halloween is on the horizon. Are any of you crafters making your own costume, or a costume for a loved one? Are you making something to hand out? Writers, artists, and other creative people: Has the holiday inspired you to work on something spooky?
Or do you not care to do anything special for this particular holiday? Is there a different holiday you celebrate at this time of year? At the end of October/beginning of November is what's called a "cross-quarter day," falling half-way between a solstice and an equinox (which divide the year into quarters), so it's both astrologically and seasonally significant and a lot of cultures have a holiday of some sort around then. Not celebrating anything at all is, of course, perfectly fine; non-themed creative reports are entirely welcome.
Tell us what you've been working on!
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PS: A quick reminder/notice to anyone interested in signing up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which starts November 1st: The official site gets a looooot of traffic towards the end of October, and sometimes will even go down. If you plan to officially sign up (which is completely optional) and haven't done so already, I recommend doing so ASAP.
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