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Recommended Reading:
Abigail: Victoria Chang Wins California Book Award and 2014 PEN Center USA Literary Award
Kristin: [Content Note: Misogynoir; violence] Not All of the Black Freedom Fighters Are Men: An Interview with Black Women on the Front Line in Ferguson
George: Ebola Vaccine Delay May Be Due to An Intellectual Property Dispute
Prison Culture: [CN: Carcerality; racism; classism] #NoSchoolPushout: Defining the School-to-Prison Pipeline
BYP: [CN: Racism; slurs; bullying] Teacher Fired for Defending 9-Year-Old Who Was Victim of Racist Bullying
Bina: [CN: Domestic violence; misogyny] On Marriage and the Ideal Spouse
Ragen: [CN: Fat hatred] Fuck the Animal Rights Group Which Shall Not Be Named
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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