Hillary Sexism Watch, Part Wev

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

Richard Cohen, always a charmer, has written a piece insisting Hillary Clinton must run for president. Titled "Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' only hope," the piece opens thus:
Hillary Clinton looms over the Democratic Party like Evita from her balcony. She is the presumptive presidential nominee, the likely one, the inevitable one, the one and only, the one before all others run in awe and panic. Behold the biggest and, in a sense, only thing in the Democratic Party. All she lacks is a song.
Evita. Seriously. Evita.

After a bunch of paragraphs about dynasties and the thorn in Clinton's side that is her marriage, the piece ends thus:
It's not possible that Clinton is actually mulling over whether to run. Not only does she have a moral obligation to do so — she's repressing other potential candidacies and vacuuming up their funds — but the sooner she drops the standard political pose and exudes genuine feelings, the better a candidate she will be. She is not the Democratic Party's best hope. She is its only hope.
Get thine boobs to the White House, Evita! It is not your choice—it is your moral obligation. And you might as well just stop being a lying liar and admit you're running, because you're repressing all the menfolk who want to run for the nation's highest office and assume arguably the most influential position on the entire planet, but don't want to go up against you in a primary contest.

One of the things I love most about this strain of reporting, indistinguishable from the hand of one straight white dude who's writing it and another, is that it is posited as a certainty that Hillary Clinton is running, but also she is scolded as a dishonest gameplayer for not announcing that she's running.

Well, why does she need to announce anything, since there are so many men with prominent platforms who can read her fucking mind?

Anyway. Cohen says "all she lacks is a song." I happen to have a suggestion.

Lily Allen: "Fuck You"

[H/T to Tom Watson.]

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