Quote of the Day
"The main goal is to see whether we can make progress for the country. But obviously, the president is the only person who can sign something into law. So whether we can make much progress the next few years depends on him."—Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, telling a funny ha-ha joke about how the President might be a big old meany obstructionist if the Republicans reclaim the Senate majority.
I mean, he might be. I hope he is. But it's hilarious that the leader of the most obstructionist caucus in the nation's history is preemptively whinging about obstructionism.
McConnell also said today: "This is a chance to begin to save this country." Hoo boy.
I mean, he might be. I hope he is. But it's hilarious that the leader of the most obstructionist caucus in the nation's history is preemptively whinging about obstructionism.
McConnell also said today: "This is a chance to begin to save this country." Hoo boy.
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