...in which he announced a series of executive actions on immigration that will provide at least temporary relief to nearly five million undocumented immigrants in the US.
Some relevant links:
* The transcript of his address.
* The White House Fact Sheet on the announced executive actions.
* Sahil Kapur's helpful "All You Need to Know" piece at TPM.
Naturally, of course my garbage nightmare governor wants to sue the President to stop the executive action. And if he doesn't do it, some other garbage nightmare governor will. Or maybe they'll do it together! Cute.
My take is that it's something, and that's good, but it's insufficient, which is bad. I basically need a macro to insert that as a response to virtually every single Democratic policy that gets enacted in Washington.
Last night, after hearing some conservatives complaining about how "illegal immigrants" (*grinds teeth*) don't pay taxes (which is not universally true), I said to Iain: "Those same conservatives bitterly complain about paying taxes all the time and constantly argue for ever greater tax cuts. They want an effective tax rate of 0%. So why do they even care if undocumented workers don't pay taxes? JEALOUSY?"
Relatedly, I've found that people who complain about undocumented workers' failure to pay taxes don't respond well to having it pointed out to them that the best way to ensure people can and do pay taxes is via amnesty. Huh.
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