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Recommended Reading:
Seattlish: [Content Note: Rape culture] WA State Supreme Court Makes Terrible Decision
Julianne: Latino, Immigration Groups Demand Reform After GOP's Sweeping Wins
BYP: [CN: Racism; misogyny; class warfare; criminalization of need] Report: Poor Black Women Evicted as Much as Black Men Are Incarcerated
TLC: [CN: Transphobia; racism; misogyny; class warfare; stigma against sex workers and against addiction] Oakland to Force Landlords to Evict Suspected Sex Workers
Kara: [CN: Choice policing; rape apologia] Alcohol and Inclusivity: Planning Tech Events with Non-Alcoholic Options
Graydon2: [CN: Fascism; white/male supremacy; misogyny] The EntitleMen: Techno-Libertarian Right Wing Sockpuppets of Silicon Valley
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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