Today in Creative Trolling

[Content Note: Harassment; misogyny; fat hatred.]

screen cap of a tweet authored by @jayrawd1 reading: '@[me] you are very fat and you have a hatred of men because men don't want you'


2. This tweet is comprised of: A. An accurate observation; B. An inaccurate accusation; C. An inaccurate assertion. Thus, the entirety of my emotional response to this tweet is: A. Yep; B. Nope; C. Nope.

3. This is the laziest trolling of all the trolling. Telling a woman who advocates on behalf of women's humanity that she is unattractive and so no men want to fuck her and that's why she hates men is so old it was rudely awakened from its midday nap by the Big Bang.

And I'm guessing that, in the history of the universe, it's been a true thing about the woman at which it was lobbed like a handful of monkey shit approximately zero times.

Because, generally speaking, women who advocate on behalf of women's humanity don't tend to define our own worth on the basis of whether men want to fuck us.

That is literally a less valuable currency to me than Ronpaulbuxxx.

Anyone who imagines that my self-worth is predicated on whether "men want me" isn't very bright. Which is only one of many reasons I don't care what their opinion of me is.

And, not for nothing, is why I am not particularly disappointed to hear they don't "want me." Oh no I'm so crushed, etc. It's sort of like expecting me to be bummed that you didn't bring me an ice cream cone when I'm lactose intolerant. You're not really disappointed to not have something you don't want because it gives you explosive diarrhea. Or is a dairy product.


The corrected version of this tweet, and the millions other like it, would be: "You are very fat and you have a hatred of male privilege because it devalues women and genderqueer people and limits their opportunities."

Which would be a non-sequitur and two accurate observations.

And, more importantly, sounds fairly reasonable.

Once more, I will note that it is the men who give me abundant reason to dislike them who are most inclined to accuse me of man-hating.

It is easier, you see, for them to believe I have a blanket hatred for all men than to imagine that I just wouldn't like them. With good reason.

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