"Relax, it's just a movie."
"Settle down, it's just a TV show."
"Don't get hysterical, it's just a pop song."
"Untwist your panties, it's just a book."
"Calm down, it's just a commercial."
"Give it up, it's just a video game."
"Unclench your ass, it's just a joke."
"Who cares, it's just a tweet."
"Cool it, it's just a YouTube video."
"Get over yourself, it's just a common turn of phrase."
"Release your pearls, it's just a costume."
"No one cares, it's just a radio show."
"Give me a break, it's just a t-shirt."
"Come on, it's just a bumper sticker."
"Take a breath, it's just a comic."
"Are you serious, it's just a political cartoon."
"Stop talking, it's just a column in a college newspaper."
"Give it a rest, it's just a convention."
"Collect yourself, it's just a website."
"Cool down, it's just an editorial."
"Take a chill pill, it's just a speaking panel."
"Get ahold of yourself, it's just political expediency."
"Ease off, it's just a magazine article."
"Don't get your nose out of joint, it's just a word."
"Compose yourself, it's just a sporting event."
"Take it easy, it's just an innocent question."
"Don't worry, it's just one piece of legislation."
"Simmer down, it's just an awards show."
"Knock it off, it's just the way things are done."
"Loosen up, it's just my opinion."
"Remove the stick up your ass, it's just good fun."
"Chill out, it's just a prank."
"Calm yourself, it's just a Supreme Court decision."
"Take your meds, it's just the way things work."
"Why do you even care, it's just someone you don't even know personally."
"Shut up, it's tradition."
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