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Recommended Reading:
Brittney: [Content Note: Misogynoir] "Listen When I Talk to You!": How White Entitlement Marred My Trip to a Ferguson Teach-in
Anne: [CN: Racism; white supremacy] Leigh Anne Tuohy, Racism, and the White Saviour Complex
Soojin: [CN: Fat hatred] Five Shocking Things I Heard Pitching My Body Positive Story
Tessara: [CN: Misogynoir; homophobia; sexual assault] What I Fear as a Black Woman: Broadening the Conversation about Violence
Maya: [CN: Rape culture; war on agency; misogyny] Missouri Lawmaker Pushes for Law Requiring Consent of the "Father" to Get an Abortion
Jamilah: The Queer Women of Color Video Streaming Service That's Cheaper Than Netflix
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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