[Content Note: War.]
In our continuing not-really-at-war-anymore-war in Iraq, outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved "new orders for several hundred troops to deploy to Iraq to train Iraqi forces. ...Hagel signed orders Wednesday for the first group of U.S. troops to go to Iraq as part of the administration's recent decision to deploy 1,500 more American forces to the country. The troops are to advise and train Iraqi forces."
They are to "advise and train," even though this news comes in a story announcing that "Two senior Islamic State group leaders were killed in U.S. and coalition airstrikes in northern Iraq over the last week," and amidst reports, unconfirmed by the administration, that "American forces were involved in their first ground battle with Islamic State fighters. ...US forces allegedly came to the aid of tribal fighters and the Iraqi Army battling Islamic State militants in the Al-Dolab area, 10 km (6.2 miles) from the Ain Al-Assad base, which is about 90 km (56 miles) west of Anbar's capital, Ramadi."
In other news, Lt. Gen. James Terry, the head of Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, says that the "training" mission could take as long as three years.
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