A couple of things:
* "Politics" and "leadership" are not mutually exclusive, especially when one is the President of the United States.
* "More intent on winning elections." Oh, maybe you haven't heard, Mr. Romney, but President Obama won both of his elections.
"I have no more campaigns to run. I know 'cuz I won both of 'em."
The first time, President Obama beat John McCain. I can't remember who was the second dude he trounced, but, being the smart guy that he is, I'm sure Mitt Romney remembers.
* "Rather than bridging the gap between the parties." Literally, the President spent a huge chunk of his speech on trying to do precisely that. Which, by the time Republicans were being interviewed on cable news shows post-address, had already been reinterpreted to mean that the President had better capitulate to the GOP if he wants to end the gridlock.
* "He makes 'bridge to nowhere' proposals." Well, invoking one of your own party's most absurd failures is one way to criticize the President, I guess.
* "The best way to lower the tax burden blah blah fart." I really love this new Populist Romney, who believes that "all American families" need a lower tax burden. Cool theory, Mr. Millionaire.
This fucking guy.
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