Daily Dose of Cute

I may have mentioned before that Dudley is very particular about when it's time to go to bed—that is, time for all of us to retire to the bedroom for the night. It's exhausting being a dog who sleeps all day every day; he needs his rest!

For Dudley, bedtime is usually two to three hours before we are anywhere close to actually going to bed. Which means that he spends two to three hours every night pitiably trying to shield his eyes from the dim light of our living room, in order to convey to us how tragic his life is.

Usually, he shoves his head under a pillow with a heaving sigh. Sometimes, he curls up beside me and tries to arrange himself so that his head is under my arm or leg, using me as his personal darkroom, while giving me Meaningful Looks: If you think this is annoying, just imagine how I feel!

Last night was the absolute zenith of pathetic:

image of Dudley the Greyhound stretched out on the couch, with his front peg on a pillow and his head buried deep in a blanket

close-up of Dudley's head buried in the blanket


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