This is hilarious, even if the weather itself isn't. At all. I mean, this was the readout on our weather center when I woke up this morning:
I was talking with some friends earlier, one of whom is in Boston, about this relentless fuckwinter, and I noted that one of the things that people who haven't gone through the sort of winter they're having in the northeast often don't understand is that, on top of the inconvenience and safety issues, it's just so physically taxing to navigate enormous amounts of snow and ice.
No less if your living situation requires you to have to remove a lot of snow yourself. If you're even physically able.
It's also emotionally draining. It just stinks to have to look at all that snow after awhile, and the anxiety about worrying where it will all go when it melts can take a toll, especially if you're likely to face flooding. Which is to say nothing of the HUGE CHUNKS OF ICE falling off roofs during even the most minor thaw, which is pretty terrifying.
Even here in the Chicago area, where we've (mostly) got the infrastructure and municipal resources and practice dealing with seriously rough winters, tons and tons of snow is a nightmare.
Anyway. I know we all need to laugh, because omg. But also, I want people muddling through to know that you have my sympathy and my empathy, too.
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