Quote of the Day
[Content Note: Islamophobia; violence.]
"It's important that law enforcement prosecute hate crimes against Muslims …It's important that we at least admit that what happened in Chapel Hill probably was not only about a parking space. This defies our sense of logic and common sense. This actually helps to support the false narrative of violent extremism; they want to make the case that America hates you, is against you, join us."—Democratic Representative from Minnesota Keith Ellison, "expressing concern at the relatively slow response and limited public reaction to the shooting of three Muslim students."
This defies our sense of logic and common sense. Yes.
Ellison, who is Muslim, is further making the valid point that the very public failure to care about Muslim victims of hate crimes becomes a useful tool to those extremists who want to make the case that the US is at war with Islam.
The best way to render illegitimate the case of Us vs. Them is to not practice Us vs. Them.
"It's important that law enforcement prosecute hate crimes against Muslims …It's important that we at least admit that what happened in Chapel Hill probably was not only about a parking space. This defies our sense of logic and common sense. This actually helps to support the false narrative of violent extremism; they want to make the case that America hates you, is against you, join us."—Democratic Representative from Minnesota Keith Ellison, "expressing concern at the relatively slow response and limited public reaction to the shooting of three Muslim students."
This defies our sense of logic and common sense. Yes.
Ellison, who is Muslim, is further making the valid point that the very public failure to care about Muslim victims of hate crimes becomes a useful tool to those extremists who want to make the case that the US is at war with Islam.
The best way to render illegitimate the case of Us vs. Them is to not practice Us vs. Them.
Chapel Hill Shooting,
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