[Content Note: White male privilege; video may autoplay at link.]
"I'm ashamed of my country, I'm ashamed of my president, and I'm ashamed of myself that I haven't done more to help these people."—Republican Senator John McCain, on CBS' Face the Nation, speaking about the US' response to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
I eagerly await conservatives' outrage that a man who wanted to president of this country could express that he's ashamed of it for some reason, any reason, at all.
Gee, it almost seems as though criticizing one's country without being accused of "hating America" is yet another privilege enjoyed exclusively by white men. Huh.
Which is to say nothing of the freedom for a sitting Republican Senator to say that he's ashamed of the President, without any meaningful blowback at all, no less being accused of treason, which is what happened when any Democrat failed to support former President George W. Bush's foreign policy, even without their expressing being "ashamed" of him.
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