Well, as you might have heard, the Chicago area got hit with quite a bit of snow over the last 24 hours. And it's still coming down. We are buried, and roads are bad.
We lost power for a couple of hours yesterday, but, once it came back on, it stayed on. Though it's flickering again this morning, so I'm desperately hoping we don't lose it again.
I am completely knackered, because our next-door neighbor was snow-blowing his driveway until 2am last night, and his driveway is right on the other side of our bedroom wall. He wasn't being an inconsiderate jerk, btw: He works rotating shifts at the mill, and that was the only time he was home to do it. So I'm not mad at all; I'm just very tired.
Anyway! How's it going by you? Everyone doing all right?
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